
This screen shows email statistics according to the Support the Adoption of Metrics for Email or S.A.M.E standard. This is a worldwide standard for definitions of email statistics. It is a uniform way of reporting.


In the S.A.M.E. screen, you'll see:

First, click on the blue refresh icon on the right. Thereafter, you can be sure you're looking at up-to-date results. If the data is already up-to-date, you won't see this icon.



In the S.A.M.E. screen, you filter out the mailing and sendout of which you want to view the statistics. You can also choose campaign wide statistics and all sendouts, unless you are using an exceptionally large database.


Messages sent

Under the heading Messages sent, you will see information related to the delivery of your mailings.

Messages Sent.png

Here's what you'll see:

  • Total emails sent: The number of emails that have been sent. This doesn't provide information about the delivery yet.
  • Hard bounces: The number of emails where there is a permanent reason why the email was rejected by the receiving mail server. This may be because the address does not exist (anymore), there is a spelling mistake in the email address that makes it incorrect, or the recipient no longer accepts emails from the sender domain because it has been marked as spam.
  • Soft bounces: The number of emails where there is a temporary problem with the delivery of the email. This may be because the recipient's inbox is full, or the mail server is temporarily unavailable for receiving mail.
  • Total emails accepted: The total number of emails sent, minus the hard bounces and soft bounces. So, this number indicates how many emails were actually delivered.


Mail opens

Under the heading Mail opens, you can see information about how well your mailing has been opened.

Mail opens_EN.png

You'll see the following information related to opens:

  • Unique emails rendered: The unique number of recipients who have seen the mailing (both fully opened and within Preview Pane). This is registered via a tracking pixel. If a recipient opens the mailing multiple times, or if multiple tracking pixel requests are measured by forwarding the mailing, this counts as one email render per unique email address.
  • Unique opens: The unique number of recipients who have seen the mailing (both fully opened and within Preview Pane), or if images are blocked, but the recipient clicks any link with a clickname (including the unsubscribe link).
  • Unique render rate: The percentage of unique render rate is calculated as follows: Unique emails rendered/Total email accepted x 100.
  • Average recipient render rate: The total number of times an email has been shown to a recipient (both fully opened and within Preview Pane), divided by the amount of unique renders. This is registered via a tracking pixel. So, total render rate / unique render rate x 100.



Under the Clicks heading, you can see how often recipients have clicked in your email.


You'll see the following information related to clicks:

  • Unique clicks: A unique click is when a unique recipient clicks on a link with a clickname in the mailing. If one recipient clicks on 3 links, this counts as one unique click. If one recipient clicks on 1 link 3 times, it counts as one unique click.
  • Total clicks: How often a recipient clicked on one or more links with a clickname in the mailing.
    One recipient clicking on 3 different links results in 3 Total clicks. One recipient clicking on the same link 3 times will also result in 3 Total clicks. Only links containing a click name will be registered.
  • Click Through Rate (CTR): The calculation of this percentage is as follows: Unique clicks/Total emails accepted x 100.
  • Click-to-Open rate (CTO): The calculation of this percentage is as follows: Unique Clicks/Unique Email Opens x 100.



It is possible to export your report. Click on the Export button and you will see various export options appear.


Read more about the SAME standard (in Dutch).