Send mailing

When you are in the Send mailing menu, you will first be taken to the overview. Have you sent mailings before? Then you will see them here.

Send mailing overview.png

From this overview, you manage the mailings: you can add, view, copy, change and delete mailings.

Sending a mailing

To send a mailing, click the Insert button. A new window will open:


In this screen, you'll see four tabs:

  • Mailing: in this tab, you can schedule a standard mailing. You can read more about this under the heading Mailing. 
  • Batch delivery: do you want to send your mailing in batches? This can be useful if you're communicating about a new website and want to spread your traffic. Then you can make settings for batch sending here.
  • A/B test: if you have created several emails to test, you can select them here for an A/B test. Here, you determine the test duration, based on which element you choose a winner and how large the remaining group is to which the winning email should be sent.
  • Slurp: it is possible to retrieve external HTML and send it to one of your groups.


In this menu, you have the option for two types of sendouts:


Before you send the mailing to a group, we always recommend that you test your mailing first. You go through the following settings:


  • Dispatch date/period: This is where you schedule the sending time of the mailing. To decide what the best sending time is for your target group, you can get from your statistics of previously sent mailings. For the test, it is most convenient to select the Immediately option.
  • Kind of delivery: To schedule a test mailing, select Test at Kind of delivery. If you are going to send the mailing to a group, select Definitively.
  • Subject prefix: By default, (TEST) is placed before the subject line, so you can clearly see in the inbox that it's a test message. You can turn this off if you wish.
  • Test mailing? (screenshots and spam filters): Here you can have the mailing tested fully automatically in many email clients. In addition, it can be tested whether your mailing is flagged as spam by the most commonly used spam filters. Select the tests you wish to run.
    The results of the selected tests (screenshots of the mailing in the selected mail clients, filter result of the selected spam filters) will automatically become available in the overview of mailing checks for the mailing in question.
  • Sending order: A standard order can be followed alphabetically or sent randomly to addresses.
  • Mailing to send: select the mailing you want to send as a test mailing.
  • Recipient groups: select the test group to which the mailing should be sent. It is also possible to exclude a group from sending here.
  • Erase test results: if you have already sent the mailing (as a test), statistics have already been generated from this test sending, subscribers may have unsubscribed, a poll may have been voted on, etc. If you want to delete this collected data (to start with a "clean slate"), choose Yes here. It is advisable to delete the test results before you send a final mailing.



When you wish to send a final mailing, you go through the following settings:


  • Dispatch date/period: This is where you schedule the sending time of the mailing. To decide what the best sending time is for your target group, you can look at the statistics of previously sent mailings. A sendout can be planned at maximum a year in advance. So, the selected month is always the next occurrence of this month. The available sendout times are always three minutes after every quarter of an hour, to spread the sendouts well with other processes.

    For example, this is how you plan a sendout for the next October 15th at 12:03:


    This is how you plan a periodical sendout for every work day at 09:33:


    And this is how you plan a periodical sendout for every first day of the month at 18:18:


  • Kind of delivery: To schedule a mailing to a group, select Definitively. If you want to test the mailing first, select the type of mailing: Test. We always recommend that you test your mailing before sending it definitively.
  • Recipients of the results: It is possible to change the address here. You will receive the results of the mailing at this address.
  • Max. number of emails per hour: By default, it is set to Full Speed, but you can adjust it if necessary.
  • Sending order: You can follow a standard alphabetical order or send to all addresses in a random order.
  • Mailing to send: Select the mailing you wish to send.
  • Recipient groups: Select the group to which the mailing should be sent. It is also possible to exclude a group from sending here.
  • Erase test results: If you have already sent the mailing (as a test), statistics have already been generated from this test sending, subscribers may have unsubscribed, a poll may have been voted on, etc. If you want to delete this collected data (to start with a "clean slate"), choose Yes here. It is advisable to delete the test results before you send a final mailing.


Under Advanced, you'll see the setting Block task data management. This means that no changes can be made to data related to the sending of a mailing until the mailing has been sent. Think, for example, of changing recipient groups. By default, this option is set to Yes, but it is possible to change this setting to No.


Click Ok to go to the next screen.



On this screen, you check if everything is set up as expected. With a definitive sendout, you need to check all the checkboxes to be able to send out the mailing.


  • Dispatch date/period: Check if the sendout time is correct.
  • Recipients: Check if the email will be sent to the correct groups. Click "Calculate the number of recipients for this mailing now" to view how many recipients are in the groups, how many will be excluded, and how many will actually receive the email.
  • Origin recipients: You are only allowed to send newsletters to recipients who have consciously registered for this. Check this box to confirm you will adhere to this rule.
  • Mailing [Name]: Check if all mailing data is correct.
  • Check the data that's being used to personalize the email when the recipient is unknown. For example, when you publish the email on a website.
  • Recipient of the results: Check if the correct person will receive the results of the sendout.

Click Ok to definitively send the mailing.