
In the Emails menu, you can manage emails and compose emails. Here, you'll see an overview of the emails you've created and some actions above them.


If you click on an existing message, it is possible to view, copy, change or delete it. The button Insert allows you to compose a new email.

In this article, we'll explain:

Compose a new email

To create a new email, click the Insert button. A new screen opens.

Email insert.png

In this main screen, you have various settings:

  • Provide a name for the email. For example: Newsletter new schedule first quarter. This is not your subject line, but purely for internal use.
  • Choose the template you want to format the email in.
  • Do you work with multiple languages? Then select the correct language here.
  • Provide a subject line and a pre-header. A pre-header is often displayed after the subject line in the mailbox. This extra information can encourage recipients to open the email.
  • It is possible to place emojis or personalization in your subject line. Use the snowman icon to add emojis and the people icon for personalization.
  • If necessary, also adjust the sender name and address. A sender address is what is shown in the recipient's inbox and to which you receive replies from the recipient. Would you like to receive replies at a different address? Then you set up a separate reply address.


Additional settings

In addition to the standard fields described above, there are some additional settings:



With the calendar, it is possible to add an ICS-file to your e-mail. This allows the recipient to easily add a calendar item to their calendar. This is useful when you organize events such as a webinar.




You'll find a number of additional settings here:


  • Can this mailings be utilised as a confirmation mail after opt-in? Enable this option if this mailing must be sent based on a registration via a system page.
  • Attachment: Here it is possible to add an attachment. The maximum file size for a single attachment is 0.25 MB by default.
  • Skip sending the bulk mailing when the external content could not be loaded: If you use external content (for example an RSS feed) in your email, and it is not available, you can use this option to ensure that the mailing is not sent.



Here you find some technical settings for your email.


  • Kind: HTML multipart is the standard for sending. With this, you will see a nice layout of your email. When you send a plaintext mailing, only text is sent in the mail and no other formatting. Tracking also does not work in these emails.
  • Priority: The priority is set to Normal by default, but you can also set it higher or lower.
  • Edit-mode: By default it is set to the What You See Is What You Get editor. You can also use an editor to format the email in text.
  • Embed pictures: The images used in the mailing can be included (“embedded”) in the email message. This makes the email message larger (more KB), but can be read offline. Only images that are on the MailPro server will be sent. Images that are linked to another domain (via absolute URLs) will not be sent. We do not recommend embedding images because this makes mailings heavier. That is why this function is turned off by default.
  • Track mail opens: This function is enabled by default, but if you do not wish to track the emails, or you use a tracker code from a third party, you can indicate here that no tracker code will be included.
  • Transfer-encoding: Indicate with which encoding the HTML part of the mailing should be sent. Quoted-printable is the most reliable encoding.
  • Transfer-charset: Indicate in which character set the mailing should be sent. By default, it is set to UTF-8 because this is the most common format.

The editor of emails

You create an email based on a template. The options you have to edit may differ per template and roles and permissions.

But the basic structure is as follows:

  • Left side: Different content blocks. You can drag these onto the canvas.
  • Middle: Here you see the canvas where you compose your email. You also have the options of personalised preview and analysis.
  • Right side: the options for the settings for your template and settings for your content blocks. You also have the option to set conditional content here.
  • Bottom left: the option to save your message or save and close.



Content blocks

On the left you see options for different content blocks. It depends on your template how many options you see here. But usually, you have at least a 1-column, 2-column and 50/50 content block. Use your mouse to drag a content block onto your canvas.
Drag and drop.png



When you have a content block on your canvas, and you select it, you will see a cross appear on the left to delete the block and a duplication icon to duplicate the content block.

Content block.png

If you have multiple blocks on your canvas, you can easily change the position of the content blocks on the canvas by drag-and-drop. Or you can use the arrow icon that appears when you have more than one content block on your canvas.

Pijltjes icoon.png


Template and block settings

On the right side, you will see the template settings. When you select a content block, you will see the settings for the block here. Which settings you see depends on your template and your role.

On this side, you determine the content on your canvas. Here you can adjust the texts, buttons and images. A few features highlighted:


Place image

There are two options for an image. You can remove it by clicking on the cross. Or you can click on the second icon to replace the dummy image. In addition, you can adjust the alignment of the image, set the width and an alternative text.


When you click to replace the image, an explorer pop-up opens.


Click the New button to select a file from your computer. When media files are available at campaign level, you will see them under Shared.

The image you use in your template automatically follows the width of the dummy image in your template. The height automatically adjusts.

After placing the image, you will see a third option to crop or resize your image. Open the crop editor and then click on the 'Edit' icon in the top left (1). Crop the image by either dragging the blue border or setting a new width and height. Once you have chosen a new height and width, press 'Enter' and click on the blue check mark (2). We recommend saving the image with a new name, such as image_cropped (3).


Edit text

Text can be adjusted at different levels. For example, you have captions, titles, subtitles, and the text of the block. If you remove the dummy text from a caption, this part will automatically be removed from your template. The text in your content block has a comprehensive text editor.



Edit link/button

Enter the URL of your calls-to-action and enter a text for your button or link. Try to write an action-oriented text. Instead of "Read more," use actionable text such as "Sign up".

If you want to see in the report if someone clicks on your link, remember to enter the Clickname. Without a clickname, the link will not be tracked.

Whether you can style the button depends on your role and agreements about your template. Under the heading Styling you will find the options. 



Conditional content

With conditional content, it is possible to show specific content only to a specific group of contacts. You can read how to set this up in the article: How do I personalize emails based on data in my database?

Personalised Preview

Viewing the personalised preview of your email is interesting if you have used personalisation fields in your email. You can see for a contact what is filled out in these fields. You can read more about this in the article: How does the personalised preview work?


Do you want to know the spam score of your email and whether your hyperlinks are working properly? You can check this and more in the mail analysis. Read more about this in the article: How does the mail analysis work?