If you want to exclude contacts from sending a mailing, you use a filter. In this article, you'll learn:
Where do you manage filters?
To manage a filter, go to the Data tab. To the left, under the Segmentation heading, click Filters.
You'll see the following screen:
In this screen, you can do the following filter actions:
- Insert: create a filter with the button Insert. You can read more about this under the heading: How to create a filter.
- View: with this function, you can view the filter and see which conditions have been applied to the filter. This data can also be exported as PDF.
- Copy: make a copy of a filter. You can use this as the base for a new filter.
- Edit: use this function to adjust the filter.
- Delete: with this function, you remove the filter, but not the contacts that meet this filter.
How to create a filter
Use the Insert button to create a filter.
Name: enter a clear name for the filter.
Conditions: select a field you want to include in your filter. Here, you can select the database fields that are active in the campaign.
If you use Collections (relational database), then you can also segment based on that data. Select a database field from the collection. You recognize these by the following structure: [collection_name.fieldname].
Next, at Operator, you specify the condition of the field that the filter must meet.
You have several options to choose from. It is possible to filter on values, database fields that are empty or even make calculations with numbers and dates. It depends on the data type of the database field which conditions you can select. For example, with number fields you can calculate greater than, smaller than and between. With date fields, you can calculate when the date was compared to another date.
Use 'and' and 'or' to create filters with multiple conditions.
Click the Ok button to save the filter.
Examples of filters
Select everyone whose birthday is today.
Select everyone with a Gmail email address:
Select everyone who hasn't clicked in an email for three months or longer:
Select everyone who ordered furniture, based on a collection field:
Groups are used to group your subscribers together. When you are going to send a mailing, you send to this group.
When you wish to make a selection of contacts for a sendout, you use a filter. This way, you filter contacts from the selected groups based on criteria based on database fields.
An And filter is used to indicate that a contact must meet 2 or more criteria, for example:
Sophie is a woman, and has an interest in shoes. Sophie must meet all 2 of these criteria to be selected. This can also be used, for example, to exclude contacts from a certain mailing. To exclude someone, the contact must NOT meet any of the criteria. If a contact does not meet two criteria, but does meet 1, the contact will not be excluded.
An Or filter is a filter to indicate that a contact must meet only one of the criteria, for example:
Sophie is a woman, or she is interested in shoes. Sophie must meet 1 of these criteria to be selected.
If you select multiple filters when sending a mailing, this will always work like an And filter. If you exclude too many people, you have to adjust the filter to add the And/Or to achieve the desired result.
With the Test conditions option, you can check how many contacts meet the filter.