How do I set up Client Credentials to work with REST API?

To be able to work with Webpower's REST API, you must set up REST-credentials first. These consist of a Client ID and a Client Secret. You need to have a user for your (client's) Webpower license with corresponding rights to access the credentials section. To create credentials:


1. Go to AdminREST credentials.

2. Click Insert. The following screen opens:

3. Choose a name which makes the purpose of the credentials easily recognizable.

4. Choose the Redirect URL. In most occurrences this is not necessary. In that case, you could just fill in https://localhost/client. If you use an external application like Zapier, you can enter the URL to the application here.

5. In most cases, you can leave Client Grants as it is.

6. Click Ok.


Your credentials are now created.
The credentials should be used in your codebase, but can also be used for testing purposes using our Swagger.


Please note: If the user account which created the credentials is deleted, the credentials no longer work.