Creating and managing campaigns

Creating a new campaign

Emails in Spotler MailPro are created within a campaign. If you wish to create a whole new series of emails, create a new campaign. Create the campaign by going to SetupCampaigns. Click Insert.

Enter the following information.

Brand: What brand does your new campaign belong to? If your campaign is linked to an overarching brand, the subscriber can also unsubscribe from all campaigns belonging to this brand. For brandless campaigns, they can only unsubscribe from the current campaign.

Name: The name of the campaign. It will be visible on the subscribe and unsubscribe form.

Default sender name: Enter the sender name for all emails in this campaign. Both for manually created emails and the confirm mails. You can later change this for individual emails.

Default sender address: Select the sender address for all emails in this campaign. Both for manually created emails and the confirm mails. You can later change this for individual emails.

Default reply address: Select the sender address for all emails in this campaign. Both for manually created emails and the confirm mails. You can later change this for individual emails.

Languages: Select the languages you wish to work with in this campaign. Plugins will be created for the languages selected here. 

Use overall list: If you are using the overall list, you are bound to the fields of the overall database. Using a specific address list is recommended.

Deletable: Select if the campaign can be deleted. If you select No, the Delete button in the campaign overview will not work, and the campaign will not automatically be removed after a long period of inactivity.

Only use templates: Select Yes to enforce that a template needs to be selected for every email created in the campaign.

Default plaintext message: The default plain text message for all emails in the campaign. This will be shown to recipients whose email client does not support HTML. You can later change this for individual emails.

SOAP API: Select whether the campaign will make use of the SOAP API.

Default recipients: Here, you can enter several email addresses that will receive every final mailing sent from this campaign. The data of subscriber ‘’ is used for the personalization of these messages. Enter multiple addresses by separating them with a comma.

Conversion points: Enter the names of the conversion points that can be used. This name may only consist of letters, numbers, and underscores. You can enter multiple conversion points by separating them with a comma.

Web analytics: In addition to placing conversion pixels, you can also keep track of click behavior using Google Analytics. Enter your information here.

Click Ok to create the campaign. It will be added to the list of campaigns.


What is the difference between an Overall and non-Overall campaign?

When creating a campaign, you must select whether to use the Overall list.

Use an Overall campaign when you would like to work with one overarching database. In an Overall campaign, a contact's data is centrally managed in the Overall database. However, contacts are only accessible within the specific campaign they have subscribed to. If a contact already exists in one of the Overall campaigns, their known data will also be used when they subscribe to another campaign. Any changes made to a contact in one of the Overall campaigns will be reflected in the other Overall campaigns as well.

A Non-Overall campaign uses a database specific to that campaign. Contact details are stored only within the particular campaign.

In the campaign list, campaigns marked as Overall are indicated with [overall] after the name.



How do I add a contact to multiple campaigns?

An Overall campaign allows you to add contacts to multiple campaigns. In the list of campaigns, select the Overall campaign, go to DataContacts and click Insert. Enter all relevant information and specify which campaigns the user should be added to at the bottom of the form, under Campaign.

In non-overall campaigns, users must be individually added to each campaign.


How do I add default recipients to a campaign?

It is possible to add default recipients to a campaign. These recipients will receive all finalized mailings from the campaign without needing to be included in the send list themselves. For example, you can automatically email your colleagues to keep them informed about sent mailings.

Go to SetupCampaigns. Select the campaign to which you want to add default recipients and click Edit. Scroll down until you see Default Recipients. Add one or more email addresses. To enter multiple addresses, separate them with a comma. Click Ok at the bottom of the page to save.