Sending WhatsApp messages in Webpower

What is the WhatsApp Feature?

The Whatsapp feature is an additional module that can be activated in your license.

This module relies on an active OBI4wan or Eazy license. If you don't have one yet, please reach out to your account manager. Alternatively, express your interest here, and we'll be happy to assist you further.

Upon successful integration, you can utilize Webpower to dispatch WhatsApp messages generated in OBI4wan or Eazy to specific individual contacts in your Webpower license. 

How do I set it up?

  1. It's necessary to connect Webpower to your Whatsapp account. We will do that for you.
  2. Send an example to us of a Whatsapp message that you want to send. Whatsapp has to approve your template before you are allowed to send anything. In OBI4wan or Eazy, we will create the message and make the request for approval to Whatsapp.
  3. If your template is approved, in Webpower at Adaptive Features -> Whatsapp messages, you can connect the template to a message from Webpower. You are able to fill the template with Webpower contact fields as variables.
  4. Be sure that the database field mobile_nr is present in your campaign. If not, go to Setup -> Campaign, change your campaign and fill the sms from field. This makes the mobile_nr field available.
  5. Last step is to create 3 database fields:
    • whatsapp_message_id (integer field type)
    • whatsapp_last_sent_date (datetime field type)
    • whatsapp_last_message_id (integer field type)

How does it work?

The Whatsapp module uses database field whatsapp_message_id. When the field is filled, the message with that id is sent to the contact, after which the whatsapp_message_id field is directly emptied. Whenever you want to send a Whatsapp message, you should fill the whatsapp_message_id with the id of your Whatsapp message (see below screenshot).

This field can be filled for example by the Update Contact Field step in the Flow Builder or by updating a contact via API.


What can I do when my message does not send?

All messages intended for sending are stored at Adaptive Features -> WhatsApp Log. The status of each message indicates whether it was successfully sent. By selecting a record and clicking on "View," you can see the message log, including any errors and their respective reasons.